

Overview Usage Product Specifications Handling Precautions

PU Acrylate Waterproof Coating for Roofs


TRUBUILD ROOFTECT ADVANCED is a single component waterproofing system with unique PU Acrylate based formulation which provides excellent barrier against water and heat. It forms a seamless waterproofing membrane which has excellent elongation with good crack bridging capacity, excellent reflectance properties. Hence it forms exceptional waterproofing coating system with good durability.



  • Brick Bat coba
  • Sloppy roofs / flat roof
  • Cement mortar screed
  • China mosaic & tile roofs
  • For miscellaneous surface contact Trubuild technical service team

NOTE - For china mosaic and other roof tiles use Trubuild Primesure Premium.




  • Excellent waterproofing system
  • Durable coating.
  • Improved Bond strength
  • Excellent resilience to thermal stress
  • Excellent weather resistance
  • Reduces temperature up to 10°C



  • Single component
  • Excellent water resistance.
  • UV resistance.
  • Good breathability.
  • Not required any additional protection.
  • Excellent adhesion to the substrate.
  • Water based hence Eco friendly
  • Excellent Elongation & Good crack bridging capacity
  • Excellent SRI value
How to use
How to use

Surface Preparation


  • Remove the loose and unsound materials, oil, dirt, debris from the substrate. Remove all the previous waterproofing coatings if any by mechanical means to avoid failure of any subsequent upcoming waterproofing coatings. Fill all the existing cracks up to 5 mm by making “V” groove and then filling it with Trubuild CFP 425. for cracks larger than 5 mm use Trubuild WPL 333/Trubuild BWP 222 for making Polymer modified mortar and then fill it. Then make angle fillet at wall and slab junction with help of Trubuild BWP 222 (10-12% of cement weight in mortar) and repair all the patches and joints with Trubuild Non-shrink grout HS and make surface becomes sound. Suitable slope of 1:80 to 1:100 should be maintained on the substrate to discharge run off water completely. Stagnant water due to undulation in the roof surface must be highlighted and repaired with polymer modified mortar. Ensure that all the penetration points, mechanical equipment, HVAC & solar panels are suitably placed on the upstand and rounded with angle filler and Resipro High Strength Hybrid Sealant. For china mosaic and other roofing tiles like ceramic, marble, clay, granite, etc. should be firmly bedded, primed and grouted with Trubuild Primesure Premium before application of top coat. Mix the Non Shrink Cementitious grout Trubuild Tile grout with Trubuild BWP 222 and make the desired consistency and fill the joints & cracks up to 5 mm. Fill the Tile joints with spatula or putty knife and buffing and cleaning should be done within 1-2 hrs for removal of any residue after work. Cracks up to 5 mm over china mosaic roof tiles surface must be cut and filled with Trubuild CFP 425




  • Before application of Trubuild Rooftect Advanced a self-Primer coat (50% water dilution by weight) on the substrate should be applied. During self-priming it is to be ensured that the substrate to be in Saturated Dry Condition (SSD). The coverage of primer coat will be approx.9-10 per ltr depending upon the substrate condition, allow it to dry minimum for 4-6 hrs. If the substrate is smooth or need to have more bond strength then, as a primer use Trubuild Primesure Premium can be recommended as expert solution with coverage of 120-150sqft/ltr/ coat without dilution by brush. After drying of Primer coat, apply 1st coat of Trubuild Rooftect Advanced horizontally without any dilution at the rate 2-2.2sqmtr/ltr/coat . Allow the first coat to dry for minimum 4-6 hours. During application of Trubuild Rooftect Advanced first coat over joints a 45 to 50 GSM Fibre Mesh can be recommended as a sandwiched layer between first and second coat to enhance Tensile properties of the coating. Then apply 2nd coat vertically without any dilution. Allow the system to curing for minimum 7-10 days air cure.


Solid Content (%) ASTM D 1644:01 60±2
Density (Gm/cc) ASTMD D 1475:13 1.26±0.01
Elongation (%) ASTM D 412:2016 ≥220
Tensile Strength (Mpa) ASTM D 412:2016 ≥2
Crack Bridging (mm) EN 1062-7:2004 Up to 2
Pull of Adhesion (Mpa) ASTM D 4541:2017 ≥2
Water Absorbtion (%) ASTM D 471:16a < 7
Water Vapour Transmition (Gm/M²/24 Hr) ASTM D 1653:13 110
DFT, Microns   450 – 500
SRI ASTM E 1980-19, EN 12898:2019, EN 673:2011 & EN 410:2011. 107
UV Resistance ASTM D4587 Excellent




  • Trubuild Rooftect Advanced as a primer (50% water dilution, by weight) is 9-10 m²/ltr/coat
  • Trubuild Rooftect Advanced is 2-2.2sqmtr/ltr/coat. Min. two coat recommended.
  • Trubuild Primesure Premium as primer without dilution coverage will be 120-150sqft/ltr/coat.”

NOTE 1 - Coverage will depend upon porosity and undulation of the substrate.

NOTE 2 - Comparative thermal performance of Trubuild Rooftect Top coat Advanced on roofing. Temperature recorded from 1 pm to 3 pm of roof surface recorded with the aid of laser guided infrared non-contact thermometer. The degree of surface temperature reduction will vary depending on the condition of the existing surface, site location, roof pitch and weather factor.

Usage Restriction
Restriction of usage


Shelf Life
Shelf Life

 24 months (Storage Temp 2°C - 40°C)


Product should be stored in a dry place in their original, properly closed containers at temperature between 2°C-40°C. Partially emptied container should be closed immediately.

Shelf Life


Shelf Life


  • Packing

    1 Ltr, 4 Ltr & 20 Ltr

Handling precautions

Limitation and Precaution


  • Prior to use Trubuild Rooftect Advanced, ensure previous waterproofing treatment is completely removed and cleaned.
  • Avoid application of Trubuild Rooftect Advanced, if the substrate temperature is less than 10 °C and greater than 40 °C and RH value should not exceed 75%.
  • Ensure proper consumption of material to achieve all the properties.
  • Mix well after opening container using low rpm paddle mixture to get homogeneous mix.
  • Avoid application in intermittent of rain or on standing/runoff water at surface.
  • Pond test should be conducted after curing for minimum 7-10 days air curing of coating.
  • Ensure the coating applied on roof surface to be free from any standing water at any condition.
  • Application of Trubuild Rooftect Advanced should be avoided in any water retaining structure.
  • Consumption of all the material should done in a single go, once it is opened to avoid any contamination in it.
  • Do not mix any emulsion or water to it, it will decrease the durability and performance of the coating.
  • Always use brush and rollers for coating application.
  • Do not keep material under direct sunlight. Always keep it in shade and close the Lid for keeping it air tight to avoid skinning.
  • Take out the sufficient quantity of material from the container which you can consume within 15-30min.
  • Always use air blower (Don’t use Hot air blower) before commencement of coating to remove the dust.
  • Do not use other manufacturer primer or other material which is used for repairing and priming as it will not confront any type of performance which we are providing with our product and system.
  • Do not skip any one of the systems as prescribed for the application of Trubuild Rooftect Advanced. It may decrease the performance and even lead to failure of entire system.
  • For miscellaneous surface always contact Trubuild Technical service team for guidance.
  • Always use clean brush and roller to avoid foreign material intrusion in coating and which may get peeled off taking waterproofing coating with it.
  • Application of the Trubuild Rooftect Advanced should be as per the Coverage above mentioned for minimizing entrap bubbles and for better bonding with substrate.
  • Please read all the guidelines and always try to get in touch with our Trubuild Technical sales person before starting any type of application for avoiding any waterproofing system failure.
  • If the surface has excess moisture then there is possibility of blister formation in case of all liquid applied membrane coatings.
  • Stone, paver blocks, earthen pots, etc., should not be kept on waterproof coated terrace surface.
  • Substrate should be fully cured as per standard construction practice before application of coatings.

Mandatory and recommended industrial hygiene procedures should be followed whenever our products are being handled and processed. For additional information please refer Material safety sheet

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